Manpower Services

choice of manpower
We recruit the best trainee workers for the required occupations at home such as a domestic worker or private driver and other primary occupations such as cleaning service, Hosting services or secondary services such as babysitter for children or the elderly during a short period of time. Also we provide all the client's basic requests for the specific household services which would require a short time after a period of work. The duration of recruitment may vary according to the request of authorized nationalities and careers available

Contracting with the recruitment office
All you need to do is choosing the home services you need to match with the required specifications and Choice workers of dependable employment after agreement on terms and conditions and the value of salary paid between employer and domestic workers. The client then pays the fee to get the required domestic worker and coordinates with the foreign recruitment agency of the country concerned and updates the case for the recruitment request.

workers' access
The team always ensures and continuously provide quick and distinctive services in the recruitment of domestic workers With continuous follow-up of the worker (man or woman) by notifying the customer of the time of client's access at high speed and accuracy, coordinating to receive the labor and receive the full documentation.

Recruitment contracts
1. Employment Contract Supplement issued by the Philippine Embassy

2. Employer information form issued by the Philippine Embassy.

3. Employment contract for domestic workers and persons of similar status.